About the Author: Amit Bhaiya

Amit Bhaiya, CEO of DotcomWeavers, brings over 15 years of expertise in the eCommerce industry, offering deep insights and innovative strategies that drive digital growth and transformation for businesses.

Google Adwords is a game that just about every eCommerce business must play. It’s also played in a competitive arena where valuable clicks are earned—or lost—in a matter of seconds and where the goalposts are constantly shifting. Some claim that success with Google Adwords is nothing short of digital marketing magic. You’ve got to simultaneously target the right audiences, force every dollar to punch way above its weight, and captivate people with a few simple words. Managing your Google Ads without a qualified partner can quickly become…disenchanting. That’s where DotcomWeavers can help. We’ve always thought of ourselves as Adwords Wizards. And now we’ve got the Google Partner badge to prove that it’s true.

Here’s how Google puts it:

“The Google Partner badge shows that specific Partners have passed Google Ads product certification exams and are up to date with the latest product knowledge. In other words, they earned it.

What’s behind the badge? Dozens and dozens of hours spent studying for the grueling Adwords Academy exams. Months of down-in-the-trenches PPC work with Search, Display, Video and Shopping Ad tools. Research. Writing. Analysis. And an ever-growing monthly ad spend from our Adwords clients (thanks so much for your confidence!). Okay, so it’s more about hard work than magic, but when your CTR (click-thru-rate) starts to soar, it certainly feels magical. Here are some KPIs we conjured in 2021:

  • Our Google Ad returns were seven times higher than those that our clients achieved running their own campaigns
  • Our ROAS (return on ad spend) has been 10x month-over-month
  • Our conversion-focused landing pages and unique customer journeys boosted ad returns even further (Our amazing client, AAE Glass, is a great example).

How did we manage these numbers for our clients?

It’s all about the data. Successful PPC campaigns reveal new information about customer motivations and preferences. Clicks are signals that a qualified Google Partner (like us) can decipher and translate into more cost-effective ads. It’s a constant cycle of analysis, revision and execution.

So while we enjoy the idea of being Google Ad Wizards, the thing to keep in mind when you see our Google Partner badge is this:

We have the skills and experience to help you optimize your Adwords investment, plan a budget, increase brand awareness, boost search rankings, earn more qualified leads and avoid the risks of trying to manage your Google Ads on top of everything else you do!

Get in touch today to learn how DotcomWeavers can enhance your Adwords ROI.